8 Points To Consider Before Building An ADU In The USA


Have you heard the word ADU homes, granny flats, backyard cottages, or in-law units? We are sure if you live in California, you must have heard these words. 

These homes are great for rental income, housing aging parents, grown-up children, and lower-income families. Its benefits are multiple enticing many to construct ADU homes by contacting ADU contractors in LA

If you're the one, here is a blog for you. We, NB Construction the leading ADU contractor in Los Angeles have come up with a blog detailing 8 points to consider.

Know about the eligibility criteria

Verify that your property satisfies the necessary development standards to construct an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). You need to ensure that local development regulations allow for your property to qualify for ADU.  The agency considers factors like density, maximum building heights, setbacks and utility easements. 

Existing layout and design

Current layout and design play a vital role in constructing ADU homes. If your primary residence is a brick structure, your ADU should be built with the same material to match. Instead of using any bright material in construction, consider employing concrete, wood, or cut stone as your building materials. 

Mismatched units deteriorate the home's value and make it difficult to sell if you ever decide to sell.

Types of ADU

ADU is not one size fits all as people make it for different purposes in different types. Detached, attached, Attached (Above Garage), Interior (Converted Garage), Interior (Upper Ground), and Interior (Basement) are some highly popular types of ADU homes in California. 

Discuss the various types with the ADU Contractor in LA so that they can suggest the best option. 

Size of the ADU

It is critical that you think about the size of the ADU beforehand. Too big or too small both are quite problematic for you. If the size is small, your new living area may not be functional whereas if the size is large, you might be violating the ADU rules and regulations. 

The best solution is to contact an ADU Contractor in Los Angeles to assist clarify what you can legally construct. After all, each property must be evaluated separately.


Site conditions

Site conditions play an important role in helping you in having the right ADU. Example- Constructing an ADU on disturbed soil may cause harm to your building's foundation in the future. Or If the site has water collecting in a certain area, the foundation of ADU and your existing site will become weak. 

It's critical that your contractor constructs your ADU on a solid foundation that won't lead to structural difficulties down the road.

The purpose of ADU

A lot of money and resources will be wasted if you do not have a clear aim in mind. Make sure you know the exact purpose of constructing ADU so that contractors make it customized for that purpose only. 

In the state of California, people mostly construct ADU for gyms, guest rooms, family member rooms, creative studios, resting spaces, home offices, store rooms etc. 

Final Word

Even though constructing an ADU isn't the same as building a full-sized house, the amount of work required can make it seem overwhelming. Here is a solution for all looking towards constructing an ADU home. 

NB Construction has expertise in ADU homes. We’re a top-notch ADU Contractor in LA, get in touch with us to know how we can help you in design and construction.


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